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Want to attract better quality clients, who love what you do, are great to work with, and who PAY YOU MORE? Of course you do, that’s what EVERY agency owner wants! I call this being The Money Magnet.

Many agency owners think the answer to better quality clients who pay higher fees is simply lead generation, and building a solid pipeline of new business. The reality is, that’s secondary.

If you spend time and energy (and money) promoting your current offer, you’ll get the same kind of clients. Every agency owner I speak with wants to increase customer value. Most want to DOUBLE their current fees.

So before you start focusing on new business and lead generation, you need to work on becoming a money magnet. I’m not referring to the Law of Attraction, although, when you get this right, that’s definitely an outcome.

What is The Money Magnet?

Being a Money Magnet is about creating a power positioning that:

  • Feels natural – you’ll go from having imposter syndrome, to feeling comfortable as THE EXPERT
  • Attracts better quality customers
  • Eliminate the need for customised proposals and expensive pitches
  • Able to charge premium fees that your customers are happy to pay
The problem is most agencies get positioning all wrong.

They try to repackage their current service offering to make them sound unique. That usually leads to complicating their offer, so prospects end up more confused.

That’s because agency owners are too focused on WHAT they do.

All of their communication is around their products or services, for example, Google ads, Facebook ads, digital marketing, social media, website design and development, marketing strategy, etc.

Instead they need to start by getting clear on WHO. They need to get laser focused on who their Perfect Future Customer is, and their problems.

The way to attract better quality clients, who love what you do, are great to work with, and who will PAY YOU MORE is to position yourself as THE EXPERT who can solve their problem.

Join me in this free Money Magnet training

I’m running some free training to help agency owners get clear on their positioning, and become a Money Magnet.

Here’s some of what we’ll cover:

  • The Money Magnet Assessment to test if your positioning is a problem, or a superpower
  • Discover how to become a trusted partner, rather than just a vendor
  • Learn the secret to your “power source” in the buy / sell relationship that leads to premium pricing
  • A proven formula for your Elevator Pitch

The session will be no more than 30 minutes.

WHEN: WED Feb 16, 8:00 AM AEDT >>> Click here to see what's this in my timezone

WHERE: via Zoom Meeting

DURATION: 30 mins

Register now.

The Money Magnet free training

© 2022 Joel Norton

Agency Coach / Agency Growth Strategy / Agency Acquisition Advisor

I help agency owners to create a thriving business that is not dependent on them.

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